Friday, April 15, 2016

2016-04-14 C4C TNT

Temp: 50ish at start
Sunny, winds @ about 10mph in both directions
Distance 22.5mi
Pace about 12 mph avg with stops

We are only into the second week of April, yet we are already at the point (physically and mentally) where we left off at the end of last years training season.  We all appear to be stronger individually and are getting into the rhythm of  working together as a team. Awesome short "after work ride"
We are adding the distance within same time frame and are all making noticeable improvement along the route.  I believe we see a strong 65 and 100mi year this year.....



Turkeys keeping it rated "PG" this time around????
Betsy, Sunshine, Susan, Leonard, Kevin
post ride protein, fiber, and that was some really good bread!

Friday, April 8, 2016

Sharons Ride May 14 2016

Please consider cycling with Team C4C Team Alex for a great ride and great cause.  The route is flat, the ride is supported and it is an awesome opportunity to get a few base or training miles in the saddle.  There are great waters views out and back between West Haven and Stratford, where Stratford Long and Short beach are the midpoint and rest stop.  Opportunity to stop and view well over seven beaches along the route.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

2016-04-07 C4C TNT "canceled but not"

Ride was canceled due to forecast of rain, rain and more rain.

I always make that type of call as a precaution.  I apologize to all of you because it ended up not being an issue other that a few rain drops and wind (but again, I much rather be safe than sorry).  The roads were slick due to the morning and afternoon rains and that could have been a major problem if not familiar and comfortable with that type of riding condition.

That being said....At 5:45pm it wasn't raining at my doorstep and the radar didn't show any rain clouds for 3 hours. so I took advantage of my only true free time....(Thursday 5:00-9:30pm)
and rolled out.

46 degrees at start
windy in all directions (but tolerable)
21 miles total horizontal, 1,342 vertical
14.6 miles (only cause I had to stop for turkey porn)

Quote of the day
"only cause I had to stop for turkey porn"

I snapped a few pictures along the way.  I did so only because it rained in the afternoon, I had canceled the ride and I was going to sit behind my desk, catch up on billing and stress related issues while celebrating "National Beer Day" with left over Bud Light from this weekends shin dig.
As I rode out, I realized that it wasn't that bad out, (but maybe only because I rode in friggin 14 degree weather a few months ago and therefore 46 was a almost an entire 32 freezing degrees above that temp.  I rode out to the Audubon Society and back.  Our TNT 30mi will hit these locations. I am posting a few photos for you all to see the destinations that I have in mind for the Thursday night Training.  The roads and the traffic in between are unavoidable, but the destination points are worth the trip.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

"its not about the miles because it is the journey itself that matters!"

As part of team C4C, Manuel Colon (Manny) would like to share with us what he felt was a non-cycling, non-cycle 4 cures experience.

On his blog he wrote of his first half marathon experience and his underlying inspiration and motivation.

Manny considers himself to be “more” of a cyclist than a runner. For all who know Manny, there is no question that cycling was and continues to be his true passion. Cycling twenty five, fifty and one hundred mile rides were a challenge that he set his heart and mind to, trained for and conquered. In that search toward bettering himself, he has that deep down desire for continuous improvement and that search for the extra challenge that will push his limit mentally, emotionally, and physically.  

Hating the run is something that he expressed lightly, yet the sense of accomplishing a running event was boldly stated as a necessity. To psych himself into and to schedule for an event would mean that he would definitely need incorporate running into his training, even though he disliked it so much.  Maybe his subliminal conscious told him that a better runner may equate to becoming a better cyclist. Maybe he disliked or feared the running and therefore had to assure himself that he would make a most valiant effort toward conquering whatever he set out to do. To schedule himself for a run in an organized, scheduled event would mean that there would be no turning back nor down without self disappointment.  

In 2014 Manny ran the “Faxon Law Annual Labor Day Marathon” which was his first  and last organized 5K running event.

In his heart he felt as though 2016 would be the year to challenge himself and get to running.  He heard about Savin Rock Marathon set for March 19, 2016. Participants could do either half marathon, a relay or the full marathon. Manny decided to run the half marathon (13.1 miles). He signed up before January and started to train immediately.  He would run every other day when weather permitted. He ran this way every month and added miles to each previous run with longer runs on the weekends. He started off with low miles and built up his stamina week per week and mile per mile until he was able to run 8, 10, and 13.1 miles.

He coordinated his runs with a “set in stone” goal in mind. Every month must consist of goal miles required for his “sense of accomplishment”.

January goal was set as “to run at least eight consistent miles”, February the goal was “to run at least ten consistent miles” and the distance grew with time.

my intent below to quote. for Mannys full quote visit his blog

“Training was only half of the experience. On Saturday morning March 19, 2016, I put on my Under Armor, sweats, mask and gloves just in case (I knew it was going to be cold.) I dressed while thinking about how I had not slept the night before. My mind had already run the course all night long. My mind and I had already planned the strategy a few hundred times over.

My excitement and my nerves were overwhelming. Excited and nervous that the day had finally come. I kept telling myself that there was no way to back out of this event now. In my mind, I had already envisioned crossing that finish line and receiving the medal. This medal was the solid that represented the accomplishment of running a half marathon alongside a few hundred individuals of different gender and ages.

During the event day run, at mile 4.5 my right side started to hurt enough that I had to significantly slow my pace. I found myself running at a slightly faster pace here than I had done during my training. I did not have my mask on and breathing in the cold air must have affected me as well. I slowed down physically and began to re-strategize mentally. If I were to finish at a goal time, I may get hurt and not be able to finish. I knew that if I didn’t finish or quit here and now then I would probably never run again nor attempt another half marathon. As I slowed down my pace, I began to breathe normally. As I got back into my pace and breathing, I began to feel my body get back to normal and my right side no longer hurt. This appeared to be perfect timing because the hardest part of the course was approaching, this included the hills.

The fifth through tenth mile of road consisted of up and down elevations with the highest elevation measured at approximately 179 ft (we started at sea level approximately 0). As we approached the start of the hills, I passed many who were walking and I may have had a point or two where I had to walk too. Looking up at mile nine all I remembered seeing were hills. I ran down most hills and along most flats. It was mile eleven when I felt as though I was getting close to finishing but at the very same time dragging along. I tried to think of things to keep me motivated so that I would keep moving. The eleventh through the thirteenth miles felt longest and never ending most heavy miles ever. It was at this point that I needed to keep moving, I knew that my pace slowed down but had to keep moving. When I was a quarter mile away, I pushed hard, ran a bit faster because I felt like I needed to finish strong and as I kept up…. I did! I accomplished my goal of running my first half marathon!

There is so much more to this event and its training journey toward the event. Training your body is half the battle, engaging your mind and letting your mind control your body is also a battle that needs exercising. I personally refer to it as th / e place where every muscle in your body is working and in sync with your mind. Mind and body work together and keep going until they both decide that they are done, not when your body wants to give up, the mind needs to work and push the body, which is what I believe to be the key to the accomplishment of your goals."

Good job Manny!. keep up the good work.
to follow Manny on his blog.



"windy as windy can be"

50 degrees at start prob 40 at end
cloudy, windy, windy, windy
20 plus miles 5:15~7:00ish
Quote 1 of the day
"so we turn around and did a good-mounta-miles, next thing i know, we're riding and its not windy no more......till we come up on a perpendicular road that is.....then the wind gust almost blows me over......"
Quote 2 of the day
"yup we turn left onto some dirt road parkin lot and were ridin all over and around this neighborhood..."
Quote 3 of the day
"......(nervous head nod while stopped at a stop sign, wind blowing and making a whistling sound as it works its tune between face flesh and Helmut straps)....
the ..... the 20,......lets just do the 20........"

5:00pm show, 5:15pm roll, if you are going to be late  due to traffic or last minute stop at the spirit shop, text me, we will wait, ((maybe....))

disclaimer:  late fees will apply.