Sunday, October 15, 2017

Saturday, September 23, 2017

2017~09~23 C4C at ALA on way to Cape

2017 Autumn Escape Bike Trek for The American Lung Association.  These professional (looking) cyclists are doing their part to raise funds for the American Lung Association while cycling 160 miles over 3 days.
Team Captain Douglas Johnson and the team of 20 cyclists have raised approximately $6,000.00 of the approximate $11,000.00 that the team is required to raise for the event.

To learn more  about ALA visit

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

2017~09~06 CTF Fundraising

As a small team we have proven willing and able to make a BIG difference. Thank you to all C4C members and all who have supported us along the way. stay tuned for ride day photos.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

2017~07~22 Ed CTF

Attached is an image of a solicitation letter sent. The Closer to Free event is 1 of 2 events that I volunteer for,donate to and raise funds for.  I have been involved since the first year of this event. I have assisted in marshaling the ride event, and have attempted to organize and bring Closer to Free cyclists to monthly training rides. I am honored to be a part of this event. I feel strongly about it and believe strongly that we (humanity) need to do what we can to fund research for this horrible disease that has taken so many of our loved ones from us.  I have lost family, friends, coworkers and fellow cyclists to this disease.  I can not do much more than raise awareness and solicit funds through all that I am able to contact.  Last year our small team C4C (cycle for cures) raised over $20,000 for this event. The event itself raised over $2,200,000.00 (2.2 million). As a team we presented ourselves at parades, we mailed fliers, we trained by spinning in place in front of grocery stores, etc.  We (team C4C) thank you for helping us (through donations) make a difference by funding research to eliminate,destroy cancer.  We give dedicate our nights and weekends to train for the event while soliciting to reach our required minimums.  As a team we will join 1,800 cyclists on September 9th to cycle 25, 65 or 100 mile routes. The routes are challenging, but not as much a challenge as dealing with cancer. We cycle together with closer to free jerseys, spreading the word that something needs to be done.

As Ride day Marshal CoCaptain, my volunteer job for this event (along with 40 other marshals) is to assure safety of each and every cyclist. We Marshals (cyclists in orange) set a pace, call out hazards, ride and show by example proper cycling etiquette, rules of the road, etc.  We are first responders to flats or other cycle issues.  We watch each cyclist and provide pointers, inspiration and a helping song or two to get them to the next rest stop. We marshals preride the course several times (weeks in advance ) to familiarize ourselves with the roads and to caution each other about any road hazards. 
As a family we also have rest stop volunteers. these are the sandwich makers, fruit cutters, juice and water suppliers, etc. every 20 miles has a rest stop. The C4C family will be in Chester which is located at mile 60 of the 100 mile route. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and ice cold gatoraide is a life saver during the challenging courses.

In summary, we volunteer for this event as a family. We volunteer to help 1,800 cyclist cross the finish line with strength as well as safely. Along the way (months before), we train, we make ourselves stronger, mentally, physically, socially, etc. Through training we strengthen ourselves as well as meet new cyclist, hear new stories, etc. Through solicitation we reach out a little further every year and meet new friends and sponsors along the way.  If it were not for new friends and new sponsors, we couldn't make this event the success that it has become.  The success of this ride is crucial in making us, our children, and our childrens children Closer to Free of Cancer.

Edward A. Barros

Friday, July 21, 2017

2017~07~21 Jordans CTF Findraising

Thank you all in all in advance for your support and donations. We apologize for the solicitation and hope that you understand why we solicit. The event and its "cause" is something that we believe in and something that we will continue to support and raise awareness for.  We take small steps, we pedal one revolution at a time, one mile at a time, one dollar at a time with the hope that together we will go a long distance and make a big difference. A cancer free environment is something that we hope to see in our childrens future.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Saturday, July 8, 2017

2017~07~08 CTF training course forerunners.

We were the forerunners for the July training rides distance 30 miles, 40 miles, 50 miles, we were able to ride the course at a conversational pace. Highlights of the route include the Thimble Islands Bishop's Orchards and Hammanasett State Park. Consider cycling with us on the last Sunday of July 730 from Bishops Orchards. email me for info.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

2017 07~04 CTF training ride trial run

Jeff and Shellie designed an awesome closer to Free orchard to orchard training ride. I rode the course, the roads after mile 3 are well paved. a bit of slight uphill throughout the course make for awesome views. Both orchards sell fruit, sweets and beverages for mid and after ride stops.  We are organizing an A ride consisting of 50 mile Orchard to Orchard (with possible bail at 30 and 40). The B ride will start and end by the Bishops Orchards while following the waterline and portions of the CTF ride route.
(more info to follow)

Monday, July 3, 2017

2017~07~02 Cheshire Pancake flats

great 40 mile training ride in prep for Septembers smillow CTF  from Cheshire. early ride, no traffic, rolling hills, fast flats.

2017~06~25 training closer to free

A great group came out to cycle between 30 and 40 miles as a training ride in preparation for the Smilow ride Closer to Free. We had perfect weather, Awesome ride leaders and the Best, most dedicated and driven cyclists in the area.  We train in memory of those that we have lost, in honor of those who survive, for strength, for courage and continued health.

Monday, June 5, 2017

06~04~2017 Ocean State "Tour de Cure"

Kevin Becker, Rob and Susan Shiely cycle to raise awareness for the American Diabetes Association.

05~28~2017 CTF Training Ride

Chris, Vincent, Denise, Mary, and Betsy take on the roads in preparation for September's big event. One pedal revolution at a time. Each pedal stroke gets us all that much closer to September 9th and another spectacular event which will get us all "Closer to Free of Cancer".

05~21~2017 Special Olympics Connecticut "Cycling Time Trials"

Team assisted in the Special Olympics Time Trials safety check.

05~13~2017 Epilepsy Foundation of CT. Sharons Ride. C4C Team Alex

Rain didnt keep us away. We didnt ride, but were able to walk and keep our umbrellas from flying away.  EFCT was able to raise close to $90,000 for the event. This was an all time record for this event. C4C Team Alex brought in about $4,000.00. Yahoo Team Alex.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

2017~04~04 Cheshire Herald C4C

C4C members from Cheshire in their local paper.  Thank you all for being such an integral part of something so simple yet so large and important.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

2017~04~23 C4C Spring Training

Alex in his C4C (cycle for cures) professional cycling gear. We were able to get a mile and a half in before lunch.
Alex ("Captain Alex" of C4C Team Alex)
is happy as can be on his 3 wheels pedaling around the neighborhood yelling out Hi to all that he encounters.
Save the date for the fundraiser that he is training for. Saturday May 13th.
Sharon's Ride for the Epilepsy Foundation of Connecticut.
To register or donate please visit .

Saturday, February 25, 2017

2017~02~25 Answered Prayers

Who would have thought that the smiles from the simple ability to participate in a social game of duckpin bowling or the strength to finish a 2 mile hike would be this weeks answered prayers.
Thank you God, Jesus, Our Lady of Fatima, St Jude, Holy Infant of Atocha and Saint Christopher for answering my prayers so quickly and for the quick recovery, health and well being.

prayer to St Jude in link below