Wednesday, August 19, 2020

2020 08 19

2020 08 19

Day 14

(Typing from my phone from bedside with no spell check, but somehow there is a weird auto correct that I do not recognize. Overlook the errors.)


Yesterday Alex opened his eyes a few times. He lifted his right arm a little and was able to wiggle his toes.

We turned on the tv for a little bit and it looked like he may have been stimulated by the colors.

On the afternoon he had a surgical procedure to insert a second feeding tube so that he may begin in-taking his normal nutritional formula.

Before going down to the procedure he was starting to wake and showing us signs of moving forward.

He had a little sedation to get to the surgical room, through the procedure and a safe return from the procedure. When he returned, he began having seizures. He was given sedation to relax him yet again while they get back up onto his old seizure medicines again.

Yesterday we again took one step forward and one step back. We will be making adjustments throughout the day with hopes to move a little further forward on the next step.


Lord God. Give Alex the strength. stamina and courage to get through this all.  Lay your healing hand on him and clear him of all illness as you restore him to health.

God hear us. Jesus heal us.

Mary and Joseph intercede for us.

St. Jude intercede for us. St. Anthony intercede for us. St. Gerard. Intercede for us. St. Peregrine intercede for us. St. Pio intercede for us.


This is one of those days...we are riding, gears are slipping, we thought we were getting distance, but in this higher gear that we are in...we are just spinning. We change to a different gear to get moving and it skips...frustrated we feel, hear and see it skip again...we go back up and just spin again. He hope that the bumps in the road will help to set things into place. We pedal a little more and hope the chain gets to do something differently the next time we try...we pedal and plan in our minds to give it another try in a will work then...

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