2020 10 05 Back to the Hospital
Alex was doing well Saturday Morning (I wrote about it in the last blog) and afternoon. Dad and mom switch for covid regs. He had a decent afternoon for mom. Alex was working with mom on grip and grab, some OT, etc.
Saturday night something happened and Alex now had a swollen right eye and forehead. After nurse conferencing, after conferencing with all doctors up the ranks...We (mom and I...one of us on phone) requested that we move quickly and get Alex to Boston Childrens. It didn't seem to sink into the team fast enough. I made clear that this was dangerous and dire and we needed to move asap. At about 1030pm Alex was being transported by ambulance to Boston Childrens where we remain today Tuesday October 6th.
Alex left eye is swollen shut and his right eye has swelling that changes through out the day. It is worse, then gets better, then fever spikes and then he feels crappy. Alex has been looking horrible with the eye swollen shut and forehead swollen. Alex is looking upset, angry and just rolls into a ball everytime a nurse comes near him. I don't blame him.
The Saturday night situation or episode may have caused a spiraling effect, but doctors are still confused and uncertain of what is going on. Maybe trauma bruise and maybe infection, so they are undergoing mri scans. Bloodwork. Spinal tap. Etc. He is on fever reducing meds to keep him cool and he is on several antibiotics yet again just in case there are infections that are causing this swelling.
Lord. Our child has gone through so much in the past sixty something days. Thank you for the few days last weekend when Alex showed us his strength to begin recovery. Give us that little man back. I sit in the corner of a hospital room watching my child as he lay yet again in a hospital bed. Why Lord do you only allow us enough to get a few steps forward before we get sent several steps back? Why Lord do we fear you? Respect you? Pray to you for healing? ask of you favors? ask that you pitty us? Beg that you forgive us? Request that you heal us? Last week I asked that my family be together...here I am in a hospital emergency room with Alex and his mom.....this isnt what I meant...but it seams to me Lord that life for little man isnt fair right now. Lord I am tired! Lord I am almost exhausted to the point that I just may not have the energy to pray....I beg you. All who love and support Alex ask that you heal this boy. We ask that you you show us the healing and speedy recovery for this boy that we have beem praying for so that he and his family may rest through the night and have the strength to pray for others in need while rejoicing and praising you Lord for his healing.
Stay strong, Eddie! The Lord is with all of you. He is listening and has a plan for Alex. We are all praying deeply for Alex to recover and for your family to find peace. Don't lose faith. Alex has a lot of people praying for him. Xo