2021 C4C Team Mary.
Lenny |
Mary |
Lenny . Mary . Vincent |
And Mary |
Manny |
Steady Eddie and Elmo |
Jimmy |
2019 the team jersey was dedicated to Alex and centered around the epilepsy foundation of Connecticut. Last year the team jersey was non existent due to covid 19.
For this upcoming 2021 season and year the team and team jersey will be designed for and dedicated to our very own Mary T. Mary has been a crucial member of this team that we now call family for as long as we can remember. We have to admit that Mary is definitely the cyclist that has most improved over the years. As we all grow older together, some of us decrease in speed and reduce our distances. Mary seems to have excelled in speed, distance, technique, leadership, etc. The Mary that was once shy to ride in the rain ten years ago managed to ride various countries and various states through all types of weather and illnesses in the past several years. New clips, new wheels, new bike and this girl is unstoppable.
Mary is an inspiration to all of us. When rides get tough she keeps pedaling. She puts her heart and sole into the ride. On the road she puts one foot in front of the other...every now and then. . at the end of a ride she pulls a bottle of "angels envy" from the back pocket of her jersey and passes it around for all to drink from... Every team needs this type of inspirational motivator...C4C has always been and continues to be blessed in having and receiving Angels Envy from Marys back pocket.
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