2023 05 11 Thursday Night Training, We took advantage of this 25 mile ride to raise a little awareness for the Epilepsy Foundation of Connecticut.
As a team we have been involved with the Epilepsy Foundation of Connecticut fundraising rides for ten years, As a team we were the leaders and forefathers in creating and marshaling the 25 and 50 mile routes that lead numerous cyclists from West Haven Connecticut to Stratford Connecticut and back along a route that we as a team called "the 7 beaches". Within the years, we have participated and have managed to maintain top five status as a team and managed to have at least 1 ten member in the top five individual fundraiser list.
This year (2023), C4C Team Alex came in third place with $4,787.00 (May 20, 2023) and Ed Barros (name used for Captain Alex) as Leading fundraiser for the event with $2,7872.00 (May 20, 2023). The Barros Family and the entire C4C Team want to thank all of our supporters and donors for the continued support. As a Team we intend to grow this even again in the near future, (covid placed a toll on us all & set us back ), we thank you all in advance for future support.
Thank you to the founding members of C4C for the continued support, Luddy, Lenny, Lee, Mary, Manny, Doug, Megan, Diane, Kevin, Sunshine for all of the original promotions, street markings (and unmarkings) etc. Thank you for the ten years on this event!!! Thank you to all C4C cyclists Jeff J., Shelley, Jeff S, Tracy, Jeff M., Ben, Betsy, Denise, Vincent, Ken, Christine, Shin, John N., Susan & Rob, Anne, Jim P., Rhona, Jordan, Figo, Phil, Mitch Sheila etc. Thank you for the support and thank you for the company on the road!
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