2020 09 01 Tuesday Day 26?
+The respirator was removed and he appears to be doing well on room air.
+The eeg lines were off today so that his scalp can have a break.
+he is only in 1 sedation medicine Midazolan and will be taken off of it before 4am wednesday.
+he is now only on 2 antibiotics
+he is currently on 5 anti epileptic medicines. Lamictal. Kepra. Vinpat epidiolex and an Onfi bridge until he is completely off sedation.
+today he was able to finally sit ip in bed with the help of 4 nurses.
+he has shown movement of his right side and a very little movement of his left arm and leg.
+he has had a hard time sleeping and maybe slept 6 hours total since Saturday 8pm.
+We have come off of a lot of sedation medicines and have introduced new medicines so quickly that his body had a hard time adjusting and keeping up.
+doctors are all working feverishly to adjust medications to get Alex to a comfortable place.
+Alex has a long way to full recovery. In the past 26 days he has gone through extremely difficult, challenging, testing times. Alex has proven his strength and God has proven to us three or more times his mercy and his miracles. Alex was in really bad shape and the Lord had mercy on us, laid his healing hand on him and brought Alex through. We have had and continue to have our challenges. We have been in the intensive care unit for 26 days, we may be here a few more before we move to another floor.
+Alex has lost a lot of mobility and will require rehabilitation at a rehab facility here in Boston. We dont know when we will head for the rehabilitation facility.
+We do know that he requires one more surgery and are waiting on rhe scheduling. Once we have that surgery he will require sedation, intubation and ICU all ovet again. Hopefully with much much much shorter stay!.
+after that surgery we will revisit rehabilitation before we can return home.
It has been a very rough road. We ran into circumstances or these horrible situations that were so overwhelming, so frightening, so uncertain that we continuously walked around as if we were in a nightmare. It felt as though every word out of everyone's mouth was just bad news. I prayed. I prayed hard. I prayed to all angels and saints. At times i prayed so hard and so disparately until I felt thier presence. I prayed so hard until I received signs. I prayed so hard until my dreams spoke to me. Some will say...yeah that is what twenty something days within an ICU will do to you. I believe in God. I believe in prayer. I believe in the intersession of angels and saints. I believe that we all individually have a designated guardian angel. We have been through a lot. We continue to be tested. We are tested over and over and every time we fall to our knees to beg our God to help us get right back up. We are on our knees praying that the Lord God give is the health and the strength. We ask our guardian angle to give us a hand and help us stand strong while keeping us from falling yet again.
We have been through some tough times. Lord help us through. Give us the strength to stand tall, strong, shoulders straight and head up. Let us see the positives in all that we are surrounded by. I dont know how I could have endured any of this if it werent for prayer, faith, hope and positive energy that I can truly feel coming my way almost hourly.
The doctors come in daily, sometimes several times a day, they look at him and each and every one of them say "uhm he is looking alot better and stronger than expected."
Yes sir....thats my boy Alex....and his ability to absorb and accept all of the healing from above and all of the positive energy from around...
Thank you all for the prayers, the positive energy, the love and the support.
We trust and believe. God's Grace is sufficient enough. He is a healer. Alex keep fighting, we love you and your family so much.