Saturday, September 26, 2020

2020 09 26

2020 09 26 Day 50??? Will confirm.

We had mri Thursday night to see how things are progressing. I wrote a long description of the exhausting past couple of days. Because of Thursday night events, his Friday was very sluggish. Friday night he had Ambien to sleep, Saturday morning was a late start. 

Saturday he was to have a bedside procedure to remove his drain. They were to remove the drain placed in surgery.

Another day of waiting. Since the surgery we have had a drain to relieve pressure and to allow flow. Since Monday the amount of liquid per hour has reduced. This morning at 5:45 am the neurology team came in. The team did thier routine and said they would be back this morning to review the drain removal and stitching. At 10:30 the Neuro surgeon came in and said we will be back in half an hour to do the procedure. At 11:30 the nurse came in and said they were coming soon at 2:30 the nurse said they will be coming soon and that she would be giving morphine. At 3:00pm the nurse was in and the Neuro Surgery (Yassir) was in the room and ready.  The nurse stated that she hadnt sedated yet and morphine through pump would take 10 minutes. He mentioned reduce the amount and give via bolus direct with one minutes time. He mentioned that he just received emergency call to operating room. Yassir asked if I could glove up, mask on and help with supporting Alex for thr 5 minute bedside surgery.  I did as requested while Yassirs assistant stood by his side and updated him on the incoming emergency situation. 

The assistant updated him with age, transport situation, what the child was going through, what the child was feeling. She told him the medications that he is on and a little of the history. Yassir had asked only 2 questions about the incoming patient. What medications is he on? what event led to his current state? The assistant answered. When she answered with the medications I knew of or have heard of them. When she mentioned the event I opened my eyes wide and said wow...yeah...that is a tough sport...things happen...but you never want to hear about a kid who has a disability, yet does what he or she can to keep active and play a sport in order to pretend or to truly be a little closer to normal, get caught in the crossfire of the sport. "God we pray for the right people at the right time for that child. Give the child the strength and the opportunity to get back to his sport. Give the parents the strength, stamina and faith to get through it all." 

Alex was given morphine. Alex was very relaxed. Alexs hands were light, his head and neck were loose and his eyes were very glossy. His pupils were a very dark black. I was able to follow direction and hold Alexs head still while Alexs area was prepared, sterilized, drain removed, re sterilized and then stitched. Alex was a champ, he lay still, very still. Alex had a moment where he made an attempt to move. I said in a stern voice "Alex stay still" and he seemed to understand by the tone of my voice that this was not one if those times where he could disobey.

I held his head still, the surgeon pulled the last stitch and we were done. When I gave Alex the "ok we are done" he almost instantly made the attempt to roll to his left which is now his new sleeping position.

Never in my younger years did I imagine myself bedside holding my kids head still while a surgeon provide bedside procedure and stitching,  never did I think that I would have the courage to do so.  This kid has gone through so much, I hold him still so that he doesnt get hurt, Im not really certain if he understands. I know that I would be screaming or crying....but this little man looks around, he isnt looking right at me yet, but he hears me. He listens for me, he senses when Inor mom are there. He is a tough kid, he went through a lot of "stuff" he is small but he has been tossed into and has taken on and fought these large battles. He is young but had gone through more pain and suffering than many sixty, seventy or eighty year olds.

We pray that God give this little man the strength that he need to begin to recover. We pray that he recover as God leads his way. We ask that the Lord reward him with healing un exchange for all the suffering that he has withstood.  We pray for all of those around us in the hospitals that they heal and that vrow stonger daily.  May the Lord heal us and may the Lord give Alex strength and recovery so that we as a family may find a way to help others in avoiding the travel down this road.

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