2020 09 27 Sunday
It has been a very long and busy week with crazy anxiety ridden scheduling for surgeries, scans, etc. But this weekend he is doing better physically. He was able to get some sleep during the night as well as naps during the day.
Yesterday Alex sat up a few times showing us the beginnings of his core strength. He began to show leg strength on right leg and started showing little twitches on his left leg. Bedside we had music and dance time. We are able to get several minutes at a time.
Now....today...day 52 we begin a new chapter. This chapter will focus on physical, occupational and speech therapies. We will review all therapies and see how the feeds and medications should be adjusted for their purpose, we will make the schedule adjustments and we will focus the feeding schedule around all therapies. We focus on what medicines to reduce, eliminate, or move on the daily schedule in order to maximize his potential and give him more awake time during therapies.
It is taking a lot of planning, a lot of time, and a lot of energy. With that said...he is starting to do his work, currently he requires equal amount of napping. This will be a long process, this may take months, but today we start. We take it slow and steady.
We had not yet seen him move his left arm or leg. Today after completing our homework for occupational and physical therapies he was able to get stretched out, work range of motion and was then able to show slight movement of his left arm to touch his shoulder, touch his nose, mouth and chin. Within an hour he was shaking the maraca with his left hand.
This afternoon we worked on core, legs sitting upright and standing. Sitting and attempts at standing are a difficult and tiring thing. We were able to push up to standing position with our legs with assistance. We are still not sitting nor standing alone, but we are working toward it.
Lord God thank you for the steps toward recovery. Thank you for laying your hand over us and for getting us through what we truly know was an extremely dangerous and desperate need of your assistance and your intersession. We truly know how dangerous the situation was and we truly know that we did receive a miracle. We thank all of the saints and all of the angels for the intercession. St. Pio thank you for the the very clear intercession and the extremely clear and direct answer to my prayer. St. Jude, St. Anthony, St. Michael, St. Joseph, St. Lawrence, St. Gerard, St. Paregrine, Holy Mary, St. Therese etc. Thank you for your intercessions. God I Thank you in advance for the upcoming energies and staminas. We ask for courage, strength, stamina and progressive recovery. We understand that we have a long road ahead of us, we thank you for this chance, this opportunity to be able to take the steps to recovery. Thank you for listening to the prayers of the hundreds of family and friends praying for our Alex.
Edward, I just want to let you know ever since meeting the night we were during laundry, I’ve been praying for Alex, and your family. My God continue to give him strength!
ReplyDeleteSteven. Thank you. I too have been thinking of you, your family and your "Grace". May Grace be strong and get through this all. You can email me directly....ed@barrosian.com