2020 09 28 Monday Day 53?
This was to be our last day at Boston Childrens Hospital. This morning at 545am we had Neurology rounds. During the visit nothing was said.7am Alex was awake and Alert. I turned on his tv and went to grab a few cups of coffee and a few of the cereal pods in the hall. 730 am the nurse stepped into our room and sang..."Youuuuu are leaving todayyyyyyyyy yeeeaahhhyyy." My heart dropped. Huh???? Uhm I almost choked on my cheerios. OK.
I wasn't ready but can make myself ready pretty quickly. I travel light....but Bela and Alex require six trips to the parking structure a block away. Any..... way....long story short. I moved everything out of the hospital room and into Belas car. Funny story short.....they couldn't get thier paperwork and medications aligned and prepared before the 3pm cut off....sooooo we stay the night and are to head out Tuesday 10am.
This chapter closes and the next chapter will bring strength and healing.
"Movement" is a medicine for "creating change" in a persons physical, emotional and mental states.....(by Carol Welch)
"Work out like your life depends on it because it does." (unknown)
It requires sacrifice.
We will need to push your body to its max.
But I promise you, when WE reach OUR goal, it will all be worth it. (unknown)
Lord God You are the Great Physician.Alex needs your healing touch Lord you are the healer of weakness, viruses, chronic conditions, diseases, and You are the healer of our child Alex. As we ask you to heal Alex, we will declare by faith that Alex IS receiving your abundant healing power right now and that Alexs' health IS steadily improving.We declare that we will not look at what our eyes see, but we will look at what our faith sees. We will feed our faith concerning the healing power that is bringing health to Alex. We will stand strong by your biblical words: "By his stripes we are healed." Thank you in advance Lord, for bringing your awesome healing power into Alex. Lord we praise you for healing Alex. In Jesus' name we pray.
St. Pio. Thank you for interceding for us and for making very clear to me the answer to my prayer. St. Padre Pio, please continue to intercede for Alex. We pray that the Sacred blood of Jesus wash and heal Alex from the top of his skull to the soles of his feet. The Lord has said...anything that we ask of the father through the intersession of Mary and in the name of Jesus...he would answer. We trust in his word ans that our prayers will be answered. Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory be.
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