Saturday, November 14, 2020

2020 11 14 Rehabilitation

"God, make a fresh start in me, shape a Genesis week from the chaos of my life. Don't throw me out with the trash, or fail to breathe holiness in me.  Bring me back from gray exile, put a fresh wind in my sails!" Psalm 51 : 9-11 MSG

A few photos of Alex progress at rehabilitation. It has not been an easy road at all. Alex was and is having trouble managing seizures. Seizures require medications that sedate and or over sedate. The seizures and the sedation of the seizure medicines cause nappy, nappy, nappy. Unfortunately one can not nap and receive the required therapies. We have had several weeks of medical revisions with the intention to get him to a point where he is medically stable. Once Stable we then need willing and able to cooperate.  The teams of therapists and doctors all work together and with us to learn the "New Alex" schedule and to see what is best and what works best for Alex. It has been three months since Alex walked or talked on his own. We may have a long road ahead of us but there are days where we see progress. We see some progress, we have some steps forward, a few steps back. A few steps forward and a few steps back ...a dance...its better to have ability to dance than not dance at all.

Walking is a difficult task. Alex lost muscle in his legs from laying in bed for so long and he lost communication to his left from the stroke. He tries hard to get up and walk and then realizes and or remembers that it hurts now.  Sometimes he cries and sometimes he cries through his laughter.

Physical Therapists and walk assistance. 

Physical therapist and standing techniques.

Dads Music therapy seems to get Alexs attention.  He appears to be excited about a song, a rythm, a beat. He shows interest in wanting to listen as well as participate. The listening may become over stimulating at times and he will break down into a cry or aggressive behavior. Finding the correct balance of tolerable sound while moving forward toward his participation are key.  Mom and I try various strategies almost hourly with the intention of learning about the New Alex.

Alex is yet unable to walk. We push him around the floor when traffic is least. With Covid regulations in place, we are very limited to where we can travel and where we can hang out. We play find the stop signs in the hall before retreating back to Alexs room

This week he started tasting his favorite dressing. He is having a difficult time swallowing so we start with a thick liquid on a sponge swab. We started last Sunday and a week later he asked for "ranch". 

Alex loves the piano in the lantern room. Every night we ask if he wants to go play piano and he sits right up in bed.  He is still finding his way of communicating. He shows movement in the wheel chair, he shows attempts at vocalizing. He gets extremely frustrated when the sounds dont come out the way they used to. I can do no more than trust that time will heal these infirmities.


  1. We praise God for the progress Alex has made. He is a trooper. It may take him a while but he will be back to himself. I miss you all. I send love and light your way. Give mt Alex a big hug and tell him I love him and he is April's baby.

  2. Thank you April...we tell him that often

  3. Soar on my Super hero Alex..SOAR ONNNN..Shaunette

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