Sunday, January 27, 2013

2013-01-01 Goal for 2013

I am hoping to set a personal record this year.  I have never truly kept track of my training nor my accumulative yearly mileage , but I believe that I have never cycled beyond 1500 miles per year.

Like everyone that I know.....I am getting older, I've become (what my wife and sons call)  a semi- permanent fixture within my office, my blood pressure is up, my bad cholesterol is up, my good cholesterol is down, there may be signs of sugar in the blood and my stress and anxiety level is through the roof. After a few visits to the doctors office to complain about tingling sensations when anxious or stressed, I get a pocket full of prescriptions....and a "I will see you in a few weeks".   We all know that more time spent in the office equals less time spent exercising or enjoying family and friends.  To take away ( from your body) the ability to exercise is nothing less than physical, emotional and psychological abuse.

We all need to work.  We all need to complete our daily tasks . We all need to answer to and please those that we work for.  We all need to keep up with ever changing technology, resources and our competition.  We all need to assure that our tasks are done correctly, efficiently, in expensively, on time and to the clients satisfaction.  We all have to at some point realized. (with experience) that to do this requires much more time than we have in what used to be an eight hour work day.

I need to find a balance.
I know that I need to work to live and I love what I do for a living.  I need and want to be physically fit and in a healthy state of mind so that I can continue to do what I do. There is no way to maintain health without proper diet and exercise.

Cycling time is my sanity time.  When I ride I think of nothing more than the bike the road and how far away can I get from ( bla.bla.bla).  I enjoy the ride, the view, the distance, the challenge.  I never get on the bike without a destination in mind and then I get to it.  I can always deviate, but seldom do.

I have cycled through out Connecticut.  I cycled through out Arizona when I lived there.  I have not cycled many other states.  I am setting a goal of 50/50/50.  I would like to ride 50 miles in 50 states before I am 50 and then write about it.  I'm not writing to get a book deal or anything along those   lines. I just want to inspire my son to set some type of goal and then see it through.

This year I plan on riding at least 3,000 miles.  In order keep to my 50/50/50, I need to ride 50 in 7 states.  I already have the states and the routes planned out and will blog about them when they are complete.

I plan on putting in base miles in orders get me jump started.

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